Sunday, February 28, 2010

Meditation Running

Sitting still by pool,

Gurgling sound relaxes mind

-water running soft.

Copyright 2010

One Single Impression: Running


Stan Ski said...

Always so soothing to be beside gently flowing water.

anthonynorth said...

A good place to be.

SandyCarlson said...

Running soft is a beautiful image.

Jim said...

I like this a lot, Edward. Welcome back to OSI.

Your imagery reminds me of doing the same in many, many, beautiful places.
Too, are the numerous fountains which often sound nicer than they look. Mrs. Jim has one in the kitchen here that I sometimes start up for her.
Thank you for usng my OSI prompt, running. This is an excellent rendition for it.

SisterJulia said...

Water running soft.
Feeling those words, lovely finish.

shraddha said...

lovely post..

it was very nice for the soul.

The Write Girl said...

I love the concept of water running. Amazing imagery in this piece.

Tumblewords: said...

Soothing sounds flow through these words. Very nice.

Andree said...

Water running soft. I like that idea and vision. It will be in my mind the next time I sit by my brook in the spring. Love it.

Amity said...

The calming effect I guess makes us want to listen to the sound...:)

A lovely haiku...a calming haiku!

Beautiful and even the pic!