Sunday, August 31, 2008

Various Spectacles

The following are selected views of Spectacle Island, in Boston Harbor.

Visitors Picnic,
Then walk path to the top
-Spectacle Island.

Eager to please us,
She was a blazing whirlwind
-fetching here and there.

Mohawks dump king's tea,
Crates float in moonlit harbor
-hundreds watch from docks.

Morning after battle,
He came up from the hold to see
-star spangled banner.

On Boston Common,
Children look at ice sculptures
-watch fireworks explode.

One country marched in,
waving banners of freedom
-to protect its oil.

Chiseled Presidents
Look out on troubled nation
-their wisdom ignored.

Murphy's Haiku #30
Mitch went out to pool,
Noticed everyone staring
-looked down-forgot trunks!

One Single Impression: Spectacle

See also Forest River Creations


kouji said...

i especially like the last one. :) something out of a bad dream.

Anonymous said...

You always have so many different takes on the prompts, Edward! I enjoyed them all, but especially the first. Isn't it ironic that what once was a city dump is now where people go to picnic?

(I am Boston born and raised, actually Winthrop)

Anonymous said...


I didn't know about the island- am going to go look at it on google earth.

SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for these images of Boston! Edward, you have painted the city for me today.

Anonymous said...

I especially appreciated the spirit of the poems and how the wisdom of previous presidents was ignored in our times. Very powerful.

Raven said...

What a great collection. I like the last three best, but they are all great. Love your photos too.

anthonynorth said...

I feel I know the place. If I ever go swimming there, must remember trunks.

Anonymous said...

The many faces of spectacle - lots of fun and brain food here.

susan said...

Enjoyed your takes. But what I really want to know is how to put your Barack button on my page. I am so jealous. Hope to hear from you soon.

gautami tripathy said...

I like the Mohawk one!

I catch words haphazardly

spacedlaw said...

I like the tea party one (and all the others) but the last one made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

..a guided tour_boston..many thanks..

JP/deb said...

I love the history woven throughout. But, Murphy's Haiku brought a wide smile to my face - merci! JanePoet ~ JP/deb

me ann my camera said...

Love them all... poor Murphy!

Historically fetching is the dumping of the tea reference. Apparently my several generations back, many greats of a grandmother, watched this spectacle taking place in Boston Harbor.

DeLi said...

i love teh last photo too! dreamy!

Anonymous said...

I did not know there was a Spectacle Island neat Boston! Thanks for that and thanks for all the beautiful poems. You always leave me with so many beautiful visuals.

Cassiopeia Rises said...

I just loved all of your verses and the photos are great. Lucky you to have such a beautiful Island called "Spectacle" Well done my friend


Tumblewords: said...

These are all wonderful, but I'm especially fond of 'chiseled presidents'! Nice work...

Anonymous said...

I think you're great!
I always smile here. And think.

Patois42 said...

Oh, HA HA HA to the last one. A joy to read and smile broadly. Loved the scenes you created in the others.

qualcosa di bello said...

awesome all the way around!! so many variations on the theme. the last caught me joyfully off guard & i thank you for the belly laugh!!

& those photos...just, wow!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Hommage to #30

Serious chuckles
bursting out at 11:21 PST.
Stomach aching, BAD.