Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tis' The Season To Be Scrooged

Screamer If you work in retail as I once did (in "the real world"), then you know just how surreal it can be this time of year, especially if you have a brutal boss. Here's something for all you folks taking flack this holiday season.You are not alone.

The Season to be Jolly
by Edward S. Gault

I knew Mr. Heimer was going to snap
My head off
If I didn’t get
Those invoices down
To him immediately.
But I was
Held up by angry
Customers who were
Complaining about products
being sold out
So close to Christmas.
They said they had been running
All over the place-kicking,
Shoving, biting, punching-
And all out maiming other people
Just to grab
The last Cabbage Patch doll in stock.
This chronicle would go on
For half an hour.
All the while these kids came in
And were tearing our place apart.
When I got down to Heimer's office,
He went into his own tirade.
Outside on the street
Were children singing
Tis’ the season to be Jolly.

Copyright 2007

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